Four photos of teens singing and playing music in the library

November 8, 2022 — Did you know that students make 1.3 billion visits to school libraries in a given year?  That is about the same as nationwide attendance at movie theaters. School libraries are highly utilized spaces that are more than a place to grab a good book or a quiet space to do homework. A school library allows teens to connect with others and express themselves. These safe spaces provide them an opportunity to grow intellectually, emotionally, and socially.

Carmaine Ternes, a retired librarian from Emporia High School, shared the pictures above of students participating in Live @ the Library. Before and after school, students are able to share musical and theatrical performances. Ternes states that students are looking for a teen-driven atmosphere. “I encourage students to be part of the planning process.”

Librarians hold a unique role in schools. In a Michigan study, test scores in schools with trained librarians increased by 35%. Studies in other states, like Iowa, showed that an adequately funded and staffed library also aided test scores. Like most libraries, school libraries are helping meet the needs of their community. Therefore, school libraries are as varied as each school. But what we do know is that this often-overlooked resource is a key component to student success.

For additional information check out these links:

The American Library Association —

The School Library Journal —

Michigan Study: Rodney, Marcia & Lance, Keith & Hamilton-Pennell, Christine. (2003). The Impact of Michigan School Librarians on Academic Achievement: Kids Who Have Libraries Succeed.