Giving Tuesday logo with library books and sunflowers

November 29, 2022 – Today is the 10th anniversary of Giving Tuesday, the international day promoting giving to charitable organizations. This is in response to the three biggest shopping days of the year – Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday.  Giving Tuesday’s Asha Curran says, “This was just an interesting counternarrative to challenge ourselves to think about the importance of giving back to nonprofit organizations, causes we care about and to each other.”

Your Kansas library is a great organization to support today. While your tax dollars are paying for staffing, lighting, the building, and some materials; many libraries depend on charitable gifts for the extras that make libraries wonderful. It is the additional books and e-books, children’s toys and play areas, additional computers, programming, and services that your community depends on every single day.

If you love a Kansas library – which we know you do – join the millions celebrating Giving Tuesday today and support your library with a donation. It’s a great local investment.


Williams, A.R. USA Today. November 28, 2022. What is giving Tuesday? What to know about the global generosity movement.