A young library cardholder from the Salina Public Library

December 6, 2022 – Public libraries often focus on childhood literacy. These crucial early years set the path for children’s future success in learning and in life. Early literacy is what children know about reading and writing before they know how to read and write. It includes everything from noticing when a book is turned upside down to building a broad vocabulary that will help them recognize words when they begin to sound them out.

Research shows that children get ready to read years before they start school. The goal is to help children learn important skills now so they can become good readers later. Kansas public libraries can assist by offering story times and other activities. Libraries often information for parents and caregivers on how to continue learning while they are home. This includes reading, singing, talking, and writing activities with your children.

Many libraries in Kansas encourage family reading by promoting 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program. Parents and children keep a log of books read, of course, many will be from the library. At some libraries, a small gift is given and the child’s name is posted on a celebration wall.

The key to this program is consistency and perseverance. While reading 1,000 books sounds difficult, it is actually the amount of time parents should be spending with their child reading aloud before school starts. With one book a night, that is three years to meet your goal. It gives the entire family an objective to work towards that will set your child on the road to school success.